2023 Board of Directors Candidates – Allyn Dukes

Allyn Dukes

Board Candidate for Region 8 Director (LA, OK, TX)

Allyn Dukes and husband Cliff are private business owners in Houston, Texas, primarily engaged in real estate investment and property management.  Allyn’s business experience has led her to multiple community service roles and philanthropic opportunities.  She has been recognized in two public school districts for her work with at risk students and facilitates programs which provide help to adults and teenagers in recovery from family crises.

Allyn has had a life-long passion for wildlife conservation.  She has been a member of the National Wildlife Federation for over thirty years. Allyn has supported the Monarch Heroes and Eco-Schools programs of the NWF South Central Region. She has created NWF certified habitats at her home and ranch as well as a habitat prayer garden at her church, helping it achieve PCUSA Earth Care Congregation certification.  As an active member of the Native Plant Society of Texas, she enjoys advocating for the use of native plants and finds digging in a garden to be a spiritual experience.

Allyn holds a Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree from the University of Iowa.  She and Cliff have lived in multiple regions of the US, raised two sons and rescued a number of dogs.

Allyn has been honored to serve on the Board of the National Wildlife Federation for the past five years and is seeking re-election as Region 8 Director representing the affiliates in Texas, Oklahoma and Louisiana.  She currently Co-Chairs  the Finance Committee and serves  on the Innovation and Audit Committees. Allyn has enjoyed the relationships she has been privileged to develop in her roles at the NWF and she is committed to continuing to use her personal time and resources to advance the Federation’s mission and vision.